

Is this a fictionalized account of a real experience or is it totally imagined? --JWSchmidt 16:26, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

Dramatized account of my real a lot of elements will be exaggerated. --Meganx


"a physiology experiment on praying mantids" <-- I would like to see some more information about the this research project. What exactly is the goal of the project? What techniques are being used? Was it a pre-existing project...had someone else previously tried to start it? Usually there is background reading that must be done by a researcher and background information about the research topic that needs to be mentioned in order for anyone to be able to understand if the research is worth doing or interesting. Does the student who works on the project like this topic or is it just a project dreamed up by the prof with no concern that it be of interest to the student? Is the student at all interested in science and research or just looking for a way to "get ahead"? Are there other people in the lab? Weekly lab meetings? If the student is getting credit for the research is there anything like a requirement for a written summary of the research results? When the student has troubles and frustration getting data, is there anyone in the lab to turn to for help? --JWSchmidt 06:36, 6 December 2008 (UTC)

Thank you for these questions, I think addressing some of them will be helpful. Right now, I don't really know where this story is going. It is a final project for a class I am currently in. But, I do enjoy the wiki and writing. This story is hard because I actually really enjoy the lab that I am in (but don't get me wrong I have been frustrated with my project like any other person) and the research I do. I also am really grateful that I do research in the lab that I work in. It is exciting to see how the project I work has evolved and even more exciting that I have legitimate results. So, making a story about the opposite of my experience is hard. But, like I said I think if I address some of the issues I can work on it. 18:33, 6 December 2008 (UTC)Meganx
