Forums: Index > Featuring > April 2009


The goal is to feature some fiction wikia content (usually three stories) on the main page each month.

You may nominate any number of works for the 3 featured fictions of April 2009.

Vote for as many of the nominees (listed below) by signing directly below the nominee and giving a vote quantity. You must:

  • Vote 0, 1, fractional (0 to 1), or decimal (0 to 1) for each item you vote on (so your total can be >1)
  • Keep the vote quantity simple to understand and a real number.
  • Not vote negative quantities or vote anything strange.

Else, your vote will not count. You may vote different amounts for different works.

A quorum of at least 3 users must participate in the voting to legitimize the featured fictions. On the first day of the new month, the 3 nominees with the most votes will become the new featured fictions of April 2009 and do so with equal status. The current consensus for featuring is a work, of any kind or language, per month


1) The Heir - it is a popular page.

1 vote. Baaaaaa! Following the crowd. --JWSchmidt 05:37, 28 March 2009 (UTC)

2) VX 1.5 - Continuation of the VX Super Force's adventures while facing many robots.

3) Loss - A tragic account of a man telling about his loss.

1 vote. Thought provoking. --JWSchmidt 05:37, 28 March 2009 (UTC)

4) The Aliens of the Flaming Red Sun - very well written and developed science fiction story. Acey. 15:05, 28 March 2009 (UTC)

I'm flattered that you all consider featuring my story, "The Aliens of the Flaming Red Sun" but may I respectfully suggest that you wait till the story is finished or till part is clearly finished. Proxima Centauri 16:43, 8 April 2009 (UTC)


Not enough votes were cast. Nominations carried over to May.


  • Add {{featured}} to the featured fictions' pages
  • Set the Featured? flag to yes in the appropriate archives
  • Update Template:Feature Fiction

See past Featured fictions
