The World

world Map

Historians usually begin with the first recorded Civilization and work their way up from there, so I will do just that. This world has a long and extensive history that I myself have yet to discover, so I'll try my best to discover with the right words. I will try and find a perfect character to record all these information, but I'd have to dig myself to find him, but my plan is to add a story for each country and see if this will help me establish this world. I could be worldbuilding, yes; But this is almost completely Fiction deserving because it deals with stories that tell of the world, not facts. I suppose through lore, we'll find our world than rather through statistics and "Calculations". Besides that, I'd be able to fashion a world using imagery through words and that is as close as I can get to taking a picture (brain camera! Click!) for a location here. So, without further interruptions, here is The World of My Creation.


  1. Sulrisa (Suhl-Reesa)