
Wikia - SciFi
Explore the amazing worlds of our gaming communities!

Fiction Wikia : The best game cheats for PC and console games organized for easy use.

Tardis : Learn about Norns and Grendels in this wiki about the artificial life series.

Traveller : Get lost in a maze of information about the popular computer game series.

Marvel Database : Information on the characters and guilds of a popular World of Warcraft server.

X-Files : Information on the characters and guilds of a popular World of Warcraft server.

GameInfo : Console games, computer games, board games and card games: GameInfo has them all.

Kingdom Hearts : Only the Heartless would avoid this wiki about Sora, Donald and Goofy.

SW1ki : A wiki about the long-running Star Wars MUSH role-playing game.

Wii Wiki: A new wiki about the games, the hardware and the Wii experience.

If your favorite game doesn't have a wiki yet, you can create one! Visit the Request Wiki to get started!
